Is a new way of connecting with Latin American culture and language,

which includes learning Spanish and Portuguese languages, Latin American culture, traditions, and history.


With the idea that the tradition, culture, and language of the Latin American people can be brought closer to students through Spanish and Portuguese classes, we created RIO courses. Rio in Spanish and Portuguese means river, which symbolically means a river of knowledge of Spanish, Portuguese, and Latin American culture.

We have created an interactive program for students with native Spanish or Portuguese-speaking professors and a unique curriculum where they will get to know the famous and rich Latin American cultural heritage through language courses.

We encourage learning through modern methods, emotional and social ways of acquiring knowledge, and provide students with the opportunity to enrich their understanding of language and culture through insights about Latin America.

Through creative content, our native-speaking teachers from Latin America teach students the language, history, and customs of the Latin American people. RIO is open to any student who wants to gain knowledge about another language and culture.


“A different language is a different vision of life.”

 Federico Fellini

How do we work?

Through the online platform, students can easily access live classes and, through fun content, videos, materials, and quizzes, learn through topics tailored to the group's interests.

By combining interesting topics from different fields, the classes are fun, and students can learn about various subjects.


Why are we different?

✓ The platform stores teaching materials, and students can access them at any time.

✓ With professors from LATAM

✓And learn with a friend or family

✓ Without entering traffic or CO2 emissions

✓ And with simple online payment.

“A new language is a new life.”

Persian proverb


What would students change in the course?

I am satisfied with the course so far, the professor is great, very friendly and pleasant, and the atmosphere in the classes is excellent. I like that we have monthly tests to check our knowledge, which is a good way for both us and the professor to evaluate our work. Currently, I have no idea what I would change, the curriculum is just right, I wouldn't say it's too hard or too easy


The course is great, this is exactly what I was looking for - to be online but still have a live person on the other side. Since I have previously studied English and German, I see that this is the scheme for A1 that must be followed. The professor is great, I think it would be much harder for me to work if someone with less energy was leading the class. As I am not very energetic, the professor absolutely motivates me to work and overcome the awkwardness I usually feel. So far, I don't think it's difficult. All in all, I am quite satisfied.


Well, it's great. I really can't complain about anything, it's interesting, the pace suits me as I don't have too much time, and the teacher really puts in a lot of effort, she is great, explains well, and everything is excellent. I don't know where you find the professors, but kudos to you!


“Education is what allows you to stand out”

Ellen Ochoa


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